and ˹the giver˺ does not ˹give˺ to anyone ˹expecting˺ anyfavorinreturnwith him (i.e., from the receiver)
And not for anyone with him any favor to be recompensed
not as payment for favours received
And none hath with him any favour for reward
And have in their minds no favour from anyone for which a reward is expected in return
not in return for someone’s favours,
not as payment for received favors,
and owes no favour to anyone, which is to be repaid
And no one has with him any boon for which he should be rewarded
and with him there is none for which recompense is expected to be given for divine blessing,
No one is awarded any favor by Him
who has in mind no favor from anyone to be paid back,
not recompensing any for a favor thereby
Not expecting to be recompensed by anyone.
Seeking no favor in return
and with him (i.e., Al-Atqa) there is not for any one out of a reward, which may be paid (by him, as due) in return (for any good some one has done to this pious and obedient person) —
not seeking any favor from anyone for which a reward is expected in return
And in no way has anyone in his presence any favor to be recompensed
They do not expect any rewar
while no one has conferred any favour on him for which he would give a return
Not that he is returning any favors. (76:9)
Not because he had any favors to return
And have in their minds no favor from anyone for which a reward is expected in return
And not [giving] for anyone who has [done him] a favor to be rewarde
Seeking nothing in return.
not to return a favour to anyon
And who hath no favour from anyone to recompense
And is under no one's obligation to return his favour
not to repay someone else for a favour done —
Without anyone who has favored him so that he should spend in return for it, or expecting any reward in return for what he spends
and does not expect any reward from anyone
And who gives no favour expecting a return
And no one has any favor with Him to be rewarded (for it)
And have in their minds no favor from anyone, for which a reward is expected in return
Not as a payment for favours received,
not as payment for any favours that he received
Seeking nothing in return.
— And he has none with him to be recompensed of favours received —
And he owes no favour to anyone for recompense;
Seeking nothing in return
and confers no favor upon anyone for recompense
And none has with him any boon for a reward
And (there) is not to anyone at Him from a blessing/goodness to be rewarded/reimbursed
Without expecting any reward from the one that they have favored by their charitable actions
And no one has done a favour to him, for which he should be compensated
And not because he owes a favour to anyone, which is to be repaid
And who owes no favour to anyone that he is seeking to pay back
And not because he is under an obligation to anyone which (- obligation) has to be repaid
And have in his mind no favour from anyone for which a reward is expected in return
and confers no favour on any man for recompense
and by whom no benefit is bestowed on any, that it may be recompensed
and who gives no favour to any one for the sake of reward
And who offereth not favours to any one for the sake of recompense
for the sake of his Lord the Most High only, seeking no recompense
And there is no grace for anyone in His presence to be paid with by way of entitlement,
Without expecting anything in return,
And he does not ask anyone for reward for a blessing,
and not in return for any favor to anyone,
They do not expect the favor of anything in return.
No one is awarded any favor by him [in return]
And not for anyone at him any grace to be recompensed.
not in recompense of any favours done him by anyone.
without having any favor to be repaid to anyone,
And he does this not for a return (nor as the return for anything)!
"without thought of reward or favour,"
With no obligation to any, or expectation of a reward or a favour in return or a mundane satisfaction
and he does not bestow favour on anyone, from that which is with him, (with the intention of) being rewarded (back),
And there is not for anyone a favour with him to be recompensed.
And have in their minds no favour from anyone for which a reward is expected in return
And not for anyone with him any favor to be recompense
Wama li-ahadin AAindahu min niAAmatin tujza
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